Friday 23 November 2012

support free war

This Israel and Palestine war has been going around for years . But nothing seems to end between these two countries . Children , infants , women and men are dying each day without fail . Be it Gaza or Israel . Both countries have suffered enough . This thing got to stop . I stumbled upon a video showing how Palestine got attacked . How the real situation was . You can click the link below to watch the video :

This put me to tears . I was crying like mad. Innocent children lost their parents , their homes when they are supposed to go to school and study happily without having to fear getting shot or bombed at . This video has been flagged by youtube several times but lucky us a humble king man managed to made a copy and posted it on facebook . I don't really know or understand what actually started the war . What I know is this war brings nothing but misfortunes to all innocent people in both countries . I mean what are the leaders trying to prove . That they are much more better ? That they can rule the world by ruining the other's country? 

All these.. Who would want to be in such situation . Subhanallah . 

Thursday 22 November 2012

fresh as mint

So today when I was struggling trying to remember all the important chemical formulas (note that my chemistry paper on monday) . I suddenly have the urge of chewing a gum . Yes chewing gum . 
I love love love this wrigley's double mint chewing gum ! It keeps my breath stays fresh all day long . And i just love chewing . The sound you make while chewing its just ... fun?

But this is not the main reason why i write this entry . So apparently I suddenly remember that I bought some the other day and its still in my school uniform's pocket along with my money . I rushed to the laundry room hoping that my mother didn't wash my uniform just yet and she already diddddd . I opened the washing machine only to find this :

Hahahahaha a reminder to me that I have to be more careful next time. The whole washing machine smells like mint . The only thing I hope right now is my mom doesn't find out about this or else she'll be furious .

Wednesday 21 November 2012

school kid

7 subjects down . 2 more to go ! Can't wait for